Soccer and why I Love it

So the first sport that I want to talk about, soccer. I have always had a connection to soccer. When I was really young (around five) I played recreation soccer at the local YMCA. Now, honestly I can’t say that really was a learning experience, but I did enjoy it even at the young age. My family has always been playing soccer, my four older siblings played with a small group of homeschool friends during the summer that I eventually joined and played with for several years. This was set up by a few teenagers, so not the most organized soccer event, but it helped improve basic skills and just have a good time with a fun group of people.

The first organized soccer league I had played in was RYSA (Rochester Youth Soccer Association) a recreational soccer league that had practice 2 times a week and a game every Saturday. This league began in the late spring and ended in the summer. I started at age eleven and played in this league until I was fourteen. In the summer of 2015, my dad and mom wanted my two older brothers to be able to play and hatched the brilliant idea to start a homeschool, high school soccer team. So that fall the Rochester Defender’s soccer team was created and my two brothers played. Obviously, being an eleven year old boy, I was a little jealous, okay really jealous. But I had to wait until 7th grade as that is the youngest age that can play on the co-ed high school team. So I waited and still played for RYSA in the spring, but of course I played for the Defender’s as soon as possible, the next fall. The cycle continued for three years where I would play for RYSA in the spring and the Defender’s in the fall. After age fourteen, I had to be done playing for RYSA, but I still played for the Defender’s in the fall and now that is the only team I play for every fall. So now as a sixteen year old, I became a captain of the Defender’s and was honored by being a part of the all-conference and all-tournament teams. I look forward to every fall for the soccer season.

I love soccer and, being a competitive person, the competitive atmosphere is amazing to me. Having that pressure of being either watched while I play and simply having similarly skilled players, it just makes me want to improve and be the best possible player that I can be. If your are interested in learning the team-oriented strategies and aspects of the game, I highly suggest the blog 101Tactics. I really look to this blog whenever I am curious about soccer strategies and it is just great to read up on these strategies to improve your mental side of the game.

The next sports blog will be about Rock Climbing, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!

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