Sports in my Life

For as long as I can remember, I have had a love for sports. When I was really young, around 5 years old, I had growing interest in hockey. Growing up in Minnesota this is not uncommon and as you can imagine, I started to play hockey beginning at age 9 and ended that short-lived hockey streak at 10. Now you might think this was dumb, but I had always had an interest in soccer and as the two sports (at my age and level) were both played in the spring. So as an eleven-year-old, I decided to play soccer instead of hockey that spring and boy am I glad I did! Soccer has been my favorite sport from age 11 to now. I am now a sixteen-year-old, this fall I was a captain of the Defender’s homeschool soccer team and I can say I have improved a lot since age 11. I received two awards this season, first,
all-conference team and second, all-tournament team. This means I was selected by the other teams in the league as one of the top players on the team in the season as well as the end of the year tournament.

Rock climbing has also been a huge part of my life as an outlet for both physical and mental health. So during the fall of 2018, I got a membership at a climbing gym in town and I began climbing. Climbing became an outlet for me and I met one of my best friends while climbing. I have not been climbing as much this year due to the lockdowns and current situation, but before all that I was climbing pretty frequently and I just love climbing!

Fishing is a sport I have loved forever that can sort of be done when and where I want too. It is so peaceful to fish alone and get away from the city for a few hours and just enjoy being outdoors. It can be a blast with friends to fish, talk, and hang out while searching for the best catch or be a great bonding time with family.

Lastly, this summer I have really gotten into disc golfing. I went with my friend one time and was instantly hooked. I have gone disc golfing a bunch with my friends and family and I love it every time.

In the next few posts I will be going into detail about these different sports, really expand on how they have been a part of my life, and just discuss the sports in general. I look forward to you joining me and reading my sports blog!

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